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NOT unlockable by software

NOT unlockable by ****SIM

NOT jailbreakable


Update: #1 – FAQ

(ha valakinek van kedve fordítani akkor az legyenszives küldje el nekem mailbe.)


Q: Is it true I have to spend $20 to get iPhone 1.1.3 apps on my iPod?
A: Yes, this is correct. Steve Jobs, or whoever, decided to rip us off.

Q: Has 1.1.3 been jailbroken yet?
A: Not quite yet. But I’m sure there are tons of people out there that are working very hard and attempting to “jailbreak” the 1.1.3 firmware.

Q: Can I downgrade to 1.1.1 or 1.1.2?
A: Yes, you sure can. There is a stickied thread in THIS section that will explain it.

Q:Will your iPod brick if you update from a jailbroken 1.1.2(confirmed) 1.1.1(not confirmed) iPod?
A:No, it will not..Proof? Just did it from a 1.1.2 jailbroken iPod(Mine-Exodus885) and updated to 1.1.3

Q: Will I be able to downgrade my 1.1.3 iPod using another computer with iTunes v7.5?
A: So far, the answer is NO. (Needs confirmation)

Q: Can i get the things that cost 20$ for free?
A: No.

Q: Are there any real (noticeable) benefits of upgrading to 1.1.3 apart from having the ability to pay for iPhone apps?
A: “Not really… I updated it and everything looked the same except my 3rd apps were gone which I knew was gonna happen…. Only if you buy an $20 update you will get the iPhone apps, be able to arange icons and put your bookmarks on the screen… So if you are not buying $20 upgrade dont update….”

Q: Will I be able to downgrade my 1.1.3 iPod using another computer with iTunes v7.5?
A: So far, the answer is NO. (Needs confirmation)

Q:Will your iPod brick if you update from a jailbroken 1.1.2(confirmed) 1.1.1(not confirmed) iPod?
A:No, it will not..Proof? Just did it from a 1.1.2 jailbroken iPod(Mine) and updated to 1.1.3

Q Is it worth waiting for a Jailbreak for 1.1.3?
A If you are satisified with 1.1.3 and can enjoy that while you wait for a Jailbreak solution, then go ahead. If you are on Jailbroken 1.1.1 or 1.1.2, enjoy that while waiting.

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