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Hamarosan lesz/van ps1 emulátor iphone-ra vagy ipodtouchra már csak pár napot kell várnunk a végleges verzióig.

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Air Combat
Status: Working, but slowly

Avan Racing
Status: Working, but slowly

Brave Fencer Musashi
Status: Working

Breath Of Fire 3
Status: Working

Capcom vs SNK-Millennium
Status: Working, but slowly

Castlevania Symphony Of the Night
Format: NTSC
Status: Working

Crash 2
Status: Working, but slowly

Crash 3
Format: NTSC
Status: Working, but slowly

Crash Bash
Status: Working, but slowly

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
Bios: Yes
Status: Working, but slowly

Format: NTSC
Status: Working, but slowly

Explosive Racing
Status: Working, but slowly
Reported Error: Crashes if interlacing or frame skip is on

Fifa 98
Status: Working, but slowly

Final Fantasy Tactics
Status: Working, but slowly

Grand Theft Auto
Status: Working

Grand Theft Auto 2
Format: NTSC
Status: Working
Reported Error: Character does not appear

Hot Shots Gold
Status: Working

Jade Cacoon
Status: Working

Megaman 4X
Status: Working

Megaman X5
Status: Working, but slowly

Megaman 8
Status: Working

NASCAR Thunder 2002
Status: Working, but slowly
Reported Error: Sometimes crashes at startup

Oddworld: Abes Oddysee
Status: Working
Reported Error: Frequent graphical glitches

Rage Racer
Status: Working, but slowly

Resident Evil Director’s Cut
Status: Working on v0.0.5
Reported Error: Crashes on v0.0.6!

Resident Evil 2
Status: Working, but slowly

Ridge Racer 1
Status: Working, but slowly
Reported Error: Few glitches

Silent Hill
Status: Working, but slowly
Reported Error: Crashes if left for too long

Tekken 3
Format: NTSC
Status: Working, but slowly
Reported Error: Flashes “Namco Presents” but then crashes

Thrill Kill
Status: Working
Reported Error: Crashes on startup for some people?
Please provide information on which version worked and which didn’t

Twisted Metal 2
Status: Working

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1
Status: Working, but slowly

Vandal Hearts
Status: Working, but slowly

Worms Armageddon
Bios: Yes
Status: Working

Status: Working, but slowly


Batman Forever
Error: Crashes on menu

Blazing Dragons
Error: Crashes on startup

Bloody Roar 2
Error: Crashes when battle commences

Chrono Cross
Error: Crashes after title screen

Command And Conquer Red Alert
Error: Crashes on startup

Crash Team Racing
Error: Crashes when starting a new game

Error: Crashes on startup

Dino Crisis 1
Error: Quits to Spring/Summerboard

Driver 2
Format: NTSC
Error: Crashes on startup

Fifa 2005
Error: Crashes on startup

Final Fantasy IV
Error: Loads but has graphical glitches

Final Fantasy VII
Error: Crashes when starting a new game

Final Fantasy VIII
Error: Crashes on startup

Gran Turismo
Error: Crashes on languages select

Gran Turismo 2
Error: Crashes on startup

Gundam Battle Assault 1
Error Quits to Spring/Summerboard

Gundam Battle Assault 2
Error Quits to Spring/Summerboard

Harvest Moon Back To Nature
Error: Crashes on startup

Hot Shots Golf 2
Error: Crashes when starting a match

King Of Fighters 99
Error: Crashes on startup

Madden 2005
Error: Crashes on startup

Metal Gear Solid
Format: NTSC
Error: Crashes on gameplay

Metal Gear Solid Demo
Fileformat: .bin/.cue
Size: 89 MB
Version: USA
Status: Not Working
Error: Load Failed

Metal Slug X
Format: NTSC
Error: Crashes on startup

MTV Skateboarding
Error: Crashes on startup

Need for Speed – Porsche Unleased
Error: Crashes on startup

Format: PAL
Error: Crashes on startup

Parappa The Rapper
Format: NTSC
Error: Open credits roll but crashes upon loading menu

Parasite Eve 2
Format: PAL
Error: Quits to Spring/Summerboard

Resident Evil 3
Error: Crashes on startup

Resident Evil Survivor
Error: Crashes on startup

Roadrash Jailbreak
Error: Crashes on title screen

Samurai Showdown 3
Format: NTSC
Error: Crashes on startup

Simpsons Wrestling
Error: Crashes after loading screen

Error: Crashes on startup

Spyro 2
Error: Crashes on startup

Syphon Filter
Format: NTSC
Error: Crashes on startup

Tomb Raider
Format: NTSC
Error: Crashes on startup

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
Error: Crashes on startup

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  1. sziasztok!valaki tud segiteni abban hogyan kerül fel egy játék a gépre?
    elöre is köszönöm.

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